Jiangxi Jianglong Water Conservancy and hydropower construction Engineering Co., LTD

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Corporate culture

Cultural idea

Guangxi Yuhua Construction Group Co. LTD

Core idea

(I) Core values (judgments and choices about values or meanings)
Sincerely share diversity and inclusiveness
(2) Enterprise spirit (enterprise's spiritual pursuit and state of will)
Unity and enterprising high speed and efficient peer with Germany
(3) Corporate Mission (Corporate responsibility and responsibility)
Create value and return to society
(4) Enterprise vision (the realm to be achieved by the enterprise)
Sustainable and healthy development to build a century-old city
(5) Strategic positioning (business direction of the enterprise)
Build an international construction investment operator
(6) Corporate philosophy (Corporate philosophy and work methodology)
One's heart is one's heart

Management philosophy:
1. Overall vision
The same body, the same creation and the same sharing
(2) Work philosophy
Build high quality service, high standard, high efficiency and high level of management
(3) Business philosophy
(4) Security concept
Meticulous and relentless
(5) Learning philosophy
Daily knowledge, daily province, daily new into me
(6) Employment concept
Talent is the virtue first and there is a promising man

Guangxi Yuhua Construction Group Co. LTD
Jianglong water conservancy

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Add: No.72, Lulin Avenue, Guangfeng County, Jiangxi Province

Copyrights © Jiangxi Jianglong Water Conservancy and Hydropower Construction Engineering Co., LTD. All rights reserved    Jiangxi ICP No. 13000447-1